Music Collection / Музикална колекция |
Музикална колекция:
Дизайн:Искате ли почти завършен сайт на вашата музикална колекция? Този шаблон е добра съвкупност от дизайн,цветове,функционалност подреденост! Music Collection: Design – Do you want the most complete free website templates for your music collection? has the perfect template for you and your music collection. The website is so complete that you can include your favorite rock collection, pop music collection and grandfather’s jazz music collection. The frame has eight squares properly arranged on the frame. This maximizes the entire frame without compromising the quality. You can display news items, links, logos, personal information and personal favorites on the home page and the viewer does need to browse and search the entire website. These free music website templates also come with a search engine tool bar that really gives the website a very user-friendly atmosphere. News letter box and other search helping tools are added to make browsing much easier for the ordinary internet viewer. This frame is a great tool to make websites for artists, website collectors, music enthusiasts, song writers and individuals who want to share their collection to the rest of the world. Color Scheme- Orange is the primary color of choice used in the frames. The color makes the website look sophisticated, unique, and elegant. Thick white lines serve as boundaries to separate one frame from the other. Page Layout – Professional-feels come from the arrangement of the menus, frames, search tools, news links, and other website features of these free music website templates. All the necessary details are found that a music website should have are already provided, and the buyer only needs to add the website contents, details, and others. Размер 4.3793 MB, Лиценз :free themplates, добавено на: 24.02.2011 , Необходими 5 кредита , сваляния 0 |
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